A series of Chihuahua Paintings and more

Art show with paintings and mixed media done in the style of cartoons featuring mostly Chihuahuas as well as other subjects


Thu, Jul 255-10 pmAmy's Place
Fri, Jul 265-10 pmAmy's Place
Sat, Jul 275-10 pmAmy's Place
Sun, Jul 285-10 pmAmy's Place
Mon, Jul 295-10 pmAmy's Place
Tue, Jul 305-10 pmAmy's Place
Wed, Jul 315-10 pmAmy's Place
Thu, Aug 015-10 pmAmy's Place
Fri, Aug 025-10 pmAmy's Place
Sat, Aug 035-10 pmAmy's Place
Sun, Aug 04noon-8 pmNickel City Housing Cooperative: Ol'Wondermoth(part of Closing Parade)(part of The MEGAFRINGE at Ol' Wondermoth)