
Art-strology is an installation of my collection of “Art Cards”, original collage and painted works created on the face side of playing cards. Individually, each card is a playful exercise in composition and materials. As a collection, the cards reveal details about what materials were on my studio table at any given time, offering glimpses at other projects and ideas in the works. Upon spending any length of time with them (I have shuffeled through them countless times) they will begin to tell you a story. Each image becomes a tool for free association, like a Rorschach blot or an oracle card. Continuing in the same playful spirit with which the cards were created, the Art Cards become a means for the viewer to playfully explore through their own mind. What stories do the cards tell you?


Thu, Jul 257-7 pmMilkie's Elmwood Lounge
Fri, Jul 267-7 pmMilkie's Elmwood Lounge
Sat, Jul 277-7 pmMilkie's Elmwood Lounge
Sun, Jul 287-7 pmMilkie's Elmwood Lounge
Mon, Jul 297-7 pmMilkie's Elmwood Lounge
Tue, Jul 307-7 pmMilkie's Elmwood Lounge
Wed, Jul 317-7 pmMilkie's Elmwood Lounge
Thu, Aug 017-7 pmMilkie's Elmwood Lounge
Fri, Aug 027-7 pmMilkie's Elmwood Lounge
Sat, Aug 037-7 pmMilkie's Elmwood Lounge
Sun, Aug 047-7 pmMilkie's Elmwood Lounge