A hospice nurse and a waffle house waitress start a band.... femme grunge punk with yallternative country sensibilities; something akin to John Prine going through menopause. They've been playlisted by Moses Sumney, covered by Frank Watkinson, and had their songwriting lauded by Joan Jett. They've toured America with working class ethos and economy; YAWNi never spares the sweat and tears, and never wastes a second. The two initially bonded over traumatic youths, and met on their healing journey. As children, both clung to MTV and VH1 for solace, and found home in DIY outsider music scenes. Their love for Pop, punk, and fringe artists collide in their sound. Mary's mother is a church organist, and being raised in the liminal space where sound, spirit and soul meet, she integrates all these influences with gritty grace into YAWNi. LnZ completely lacks appreciation for most things sacred and tears down the third wall with a labile disregard and blatant disrespect for the hierarchies of art and culture. Both hold a strong boundary against pretense. They invite the listener to find peace and joy in well structured sound and ecstatic noise.


Fri, Jul 2612:30-1 amNietzsche's (Front Stage)(part of Mick Jagger's Birthday Party)
Sat, Jul 274-4:45 pmNickel City Housing Cooperative: Ol'Wondermoth(part of The Lawn Disco)
Sun, Jul 288:45-9:15 pmThe Mothership(part of Lose Your Grip at The Mothership)